As I clicked on the LinkedIn website the other day, the first image on my newsfeed was of two people I knew well: a Florida dairy farmer and his youngest daughter
As you've probably seen, “Got Milk?” is back, and it has been showcased on national television outlets such as ESPN and on popular social media platforms, including TikTok
Finely tuned rations, stringent milking procedures, and compliance to sound reproductive protocols all lead to well-run dairies. In journalism, the same can be said of a watchful eye that carefully reviews...
There are plenty of “How to” books available on just about anything . . . how to succeed, how to wire a building, how to be a better person, how to be inspiring, and the list goes on and on
When I look at my soon-to-be 14-year-old daughter, I often think back to myself at that age. Truthfully, though, Cassie oozes so much more confidence than I ever did as a teenager
You might be thinking that with COVID-19 stay-at-home rules in place and limits on how many people can gather, your annual National Dairy Month farm tour should be canceled, too
As the Martina McBride song goes, “This one's for all you girls about 13. High school can be so rough, can be so mean.” I’ll add that farm girls are far and few in-between. Or at least...
While facing the “college plague” last week, which I’m sure many in or around college campuses have faced at some point this semester or in past semesters, something happened that I never...
I want to start this by saying that I am not a licensed professional. I am just a farmer who knows how it feels to be at the end of your rope with what seems like no way to crawl back from the darkness
“A huge, powerful, and overwhelming force or institution.” That is the definition of juggernaut, and Spencer County FFA in Kentucky has certainly earned the description after claiming their...
Pull into any farmyard and you will likely be welcomed by the farm dog before the farmer. Sometimes those barks belong to the true working dog, other times it’s the family dog or even the little...
Working with family on the farm can be rewarding and enjoyable . . . until you need to move a cow from Point A to Point B together. Do any of you ever feel this way?
Agriculture is hard right now. Not just financially or physically, but emotionally and mentally, too. As hard as it is to talk to our families, sometimes it’s even harder to talk to professionals...
“Animal welfare is the result of the positive outcome of the interaction between humans and the animals,” said Robert Hagevoort, of New Mexico State University during the monthly webinar
Young calves are the most fragile asset a dairy producer has. We know that a calf’s value later in life as a profitable milk cow is largely impacted by her early development, but maintaining a successful...